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Abend Code CICS da AFCB a AFCT


Explanation: Module DFHEIFC issued a resource level security check

(RSLC) request to module DFHXSRC and received a response other than OK or


System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated with a

transaction dump.

User Response: Examine the trace to find the exception trace entry

created by DFHXSRC at the time of the error. Use this trace entry to

determine the cause of the return code from DFHXSRC.

Module(s): DFHEIFC



Explanation: An internal logic error was detected when calling the file

control request processing module DFHFCFR. Either DFHFCFR returned an

INVALID response to its caller indicating an error in the caller's parameter list, or DFHFCFR passed back a return code that was not recognized by its caller.

System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated with a

transaction dump.

User Response: You need further assistance from IBM to resolve this

problem. See Part 4 of the CICS Problem Determination Guide for guidance

on how to proceed.





Explanation: A GETMAIN for FFLE storage has failed.

System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated with a

transaction dump.

User Response: Retry the failed transaction.




Explanation: A deadlock has been detected between two or more tasks

issuing file control requests.

System Action: The task that would have entered deadlock is abended

with a CICS transaction dump.

User Response: Examine this transaction and other transactions in the

system that update the same files to find the cause of the deadlock,

then correct the error.

When transactions update several files within the same unit of work, all

transactions should update these files in the same order. A transaction

that abends AFCF may be retried by specifying RESTART(YES) in the transaction definition and by coding a suitable DFHREST program.






Explanation: A transaction has issued a sequence of file control

requests that would cause the file to deadlock itself. This response

arises for different reasons depending upon the file type.


If the file is being accessed in non-RLS mode, the response is caused by

the transaction making conflicting requests against the same CI. For

example, if the file is being accessed using LSR, a self deadlock will arise when an attempt is made to read a record that is in the same CI as a record that is the subject of a READ UPDATE or WRITE MASSINSERT request issued by the same transaction.

If the file is accessed in RLS mode there is no CI locking, but self

deadlock responses can still arise. They are caused by sequences of

requests that are either logically meaningless or which cannot be performed by VSAM RLS.

With VSAM RLS the most likely causes of this abend are as follows:

Two successive READ UPDATE requests against the same record by the

same transaction without an intervening REWRITE, DELETE or UNLOCK command.

This is an incorrect use of file control requests.

A transaction has created a record by WRITE MASSINSERT and then,

without terminating the WRITE MASSINSERT sequence by issuing an UNLOCK

request, the same transaction has attempted to modify the same

record by issuing a READ UPDATE or DELETE request.

This sequence of requests fails if VSAM has not written the record

out to disk. The only way to guarantee that the record has been written

to disk is to issue the UNLOCK request.

A transaction has updated or deleted a record using a browse for

update sequence and then, without terminating the browse for update

sequence by issuing an ENDBR request, the same transaction has attempted to

modify the same record by issuing a separate READ UPDATE or DELETE or WRITE


This sequence of requests fails if VSAM has not written the record

out to disk. The only way to guarantee that the record has been written

to disk is to issue the ENDBR request.

If the file is used to access a coupling facility data table, then self

deadlock responses are caused by sequences of requests that are either

logically meaningless or which cannot be performed by coupling facility data tables support.

For coupling facility data tables, the most likely cause of this abend

is as follows:

Two successive READ UPDATE requests have been issued against the same

record by the same transaction without an intervening REWRITE, DELETE

or UNLOCK command.

This is an incorrect use of file control requests.

System Action: The task that would have entered deadlock is abended

with a CICS transaction dump.

User Response: Examine the previous requests made by this transaction

against this file to identify the cause of the deadlock, then correct

the error. In some cases (particularly when the file is being accessed in RLS mode or is using a coupling facility data table) this abend may indicate a programming error in the program that issued the file control requests.



Explanation: The transaction has issued a request for a remote shared

data table for which it has an active browse, but in the meantime the

table has been disabled or closed by the owning CICS system, or the owning CICS system has failed.

System Action: The requesting transaction abends with a transaction dump.

CICS continues normally.

User Response: In the application owning region, take whatever action

normally follows the issue of a FORCE request in, or the failure of, the

file owning CICS system.

See the CICS Shared Data Tables Guide for further guidance. guidance.




Explanation: DFHFCU issued a call to DFHFCFS to open a file. A purged

error was returned from DFHFCFS because the task has been waiting for a

resource longer than the DTIMEOUT interval specified for the CSFU transaction.

System Action: The task is abnormally terminated with a CICS

transaction dump. CICS processing continues.

User Response: Examine the dump to determine the cause of the error. A

system dump can be produced by adding the appropriate dump table entry

using the CEMT SET TRDUMPCODE command.

Module: DFHFCU



Explanation: The transaction issued a file update request (READ UPDATE,

WRITE or DELETE) against an RLS mode data set for which a DFSMSdss non-BWO backup was in progress.

System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated with a CICS

transaction dump. CICS processing continues.

User Response: All new file update requests are prohibited when a

non-BWO backup is in progress for an RLS mode data set. This restriction is

automatically lifted when the backup completes. (A non-BWO backup is any

type of backup operation other than a Backup While Open backup.) When the

backup has completed, retry the transaction.




Explanation: During the loading of a Shared Data Table by the CFTL

transaction, a call to the CICS Transaction Manager has returned a

response (such as DISASTER) after which normal processing could not continue.

System Action: Message DFHFC0949 is issued. Loading of the data table

is terminated and CFTL abends.

User Response: Refer to the description of the message for further

information and guidance.








Explanation: During the loading of a data table by the CFTL

transaction, an abend was detected, or a domain call returned a response

(such as DISASTER) after which normal processing could not continue.

System Action: A message is issued (one of DFHFC0945, DFHFC0946, or

DFHFC0947). Loading of the data table is terminated and CFTL abends.

User Response: If this abend is produced as a result of an abend during

loading, message DFHFC0945 is issued. If it is a result of a domain call

failure, depending on which domain the failure was returned by, one of the

messages DFHFC0946 or DFHFC0947 is issued. Refer to the description of

the message for further information and guidance.




Explanation: The transaction issued a file request that caused file

control to attempt to create a journal record but the record was too

large for the journal buffer to accommodate. This indicates that a journal referenced in the file definition is using an MVS logstream, which in turn, is using a coupling facility structure which has been defined with a MAXBUFSIZE parameter less than the recommended 64000.

System Action: The task is abnormally terminated with a CICS

transaction dump.

User Response: Redefine the coupling facility structure that the

logstream is using with a MAXBUFSIZE parameter of 64000. The journal in

error can be the forward recovery log or the journal used for auto-archiving. If the module that detected the error is DFHDMPCA, the error is associated with a journal referenced in the definition of the CSD (DFHCSD).




Explanation: An attempt was made to attach a transaction specifying

DFHDTLX as the program to be given control, but the transaction was not

internally attached by CICS.

DFHDTLX is for use by CICS system transaction CFTL. This loads a Shared

Data Table.

System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. CICS

processing continues.

User Response: Establish why an attempt was made to attach CFTL

illegally, or why a transaction definition specified DFHDTLX as the

program to be given control.













Explanation: The program issued a file control request against a file

opened in RLS mode. While executing this request, CICS detected that the

SMSVSAM server address space had failed.

System Action: The task is abnormally terminated with a CICS

transaction dump.

CICS disables all further RLS accesses and initiates error recovery.

User Response: Retry the transaction when the server is available again

If the SMSVSAM server fails, it should normally automatically restart

itself as quickly as possible. If this does not happen, consult the VSAM

documentation which provides further guidance on debugging problems in the SMSVSAM server.




Explanation: The program issued a file control request against a file

opened in RLS mode. VSAM was unable to perform this request because the

SMSVSAM server address space was inactive.

However, if an offsite restart is being performed (that is, OFFSITE=YES

was specified as a system initialization override), this transaction

abend is also issued even if the SMSVSAM server address space is active. This is because RLS access is not allowed during an offsite restart for any RLS file control requests other than those issued by transactions which have been attached by CICS to perform RLS recovery work.

System Action: The task is abnormally terminated with a CICS

transaction dump.

User Response: Retry the transaction when the server is available again.

If the SMSVSAM server fails, it should normally automatically restart

itself as quickly as possible. If this does not happen, consult the VSAM

documentationwhich provides further guidance on debugging problems in the SMSVSAM server.

If an offsite restart is being performed, retry the transaction after

RLS recovery has been completed when RLS access by user transactions is

allowed again.




Explanation: The program has made a file control request against a file

opened in RLS mode. The SMSVSAM server has been recycled since an earlier

RLS request from the same unit of work. The same unit of work cannot

issue requests against two different instances of the SMSVSAM server.

Note that this abend will occur even if the earlier request was not successful.

System Action: The task is abnormally terminated with a CICS

transaction dump.

User Response: Resubmit the transaction.